Saturday 6 September 2008

Public Health Programs Responsible For Dip In Uninsured Rate Says APHA, Urges Strengthening Medicaid And Medicare

�Statement from Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, Executive Director.

"While we receive news today from the U.S. Census Bureau that the act of uninsured Americans has declined, the picture is not all rosy. Yes, the issue of people without health insurance has decreased from 47 zillion in 2006 to 45.7 meg in 2007, but it's the government public health programs that are picking up the slack.

New census data show that enrollment in the Medicaid and Medicare programs increased by more than than 2 million spell employer-based reporting stayed the same. Thanks to these public health programs, tens of millions of Americans can admittance the tutelage they would otherwise be denied.

And now, apt the economic downturn, we especially exhort Congress to protect the Medicaid and Medicare programs, and we call for increasing Medicaid funding to the states to protect vulnerable Americans, which has also been shown to provide an economic stimulant."

American Public Health Association

More info

Monday 18 August 2008

Yung Berg arrested in New York

Rapper is set to appear in court Thursday

NEW YORK -- Rapper Yung Berg was arrested Saturday in New York after police responded to a limo driver's complaint about a dispute with the 22-year-old rapper and some other passenger, Cornell Whitfield. The Chicago native's next motor inn date is set for Thursday.

Yung Berg, born Christian Ward, was charged with menacing in the moment degree and unlawful possession of cannabis sativa, while Whitfield was charged with criminal possession of a weapon system in the 2nd degree and two counts of menacing in the second degree, according to Jennifer Kushner, spokeswoman for the District Attorney's office.

According to reports, two bags of marijuana were recovered from Ward, spell a .45 caliber semiautomatic pistol, which was loaded with around 10 rounds of ammunition, was ground on Whitfield's waistband. Bail and bond was countersink at $2,000 for Ward and $2,five hundred for Whitfield.

Ward's attorney, Robert Kalina, aforesaid "a number of media reports possess been inaccurate" about the arrest, merely declined to reveal specifics other than to say, "this unfortunate incident is now a legal matter being clarified and single-minded by the authorities."

Yung Berg's new Epic album, "Look What You Made Me Do," off stores Tuesday. The exclusive "The Business" featuring Casha, is at No. 9 on the Hot Rap Tracks chart and No. 13 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs tally.

Friday 8 August 2008

David Jordan

David Jordan   
Artist: David Jordan



David Jordan - Place in My Heart (Remixes) CDM   
 David Jordan - Place in My Heart (Remixes) CDM

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 4


Ozgur Can and Stian Klo

Tuesday 1 July 2008

Aural planet

Aural planet   
Artist: Aural planet



Acoustic Plantation Releases   
 Acoustic Plantation Releases

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 1


   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 10


Wednesday 18 June 2008

The Wombats Would Love To Work With McCartney

The Wombats would love to work with Paul McCartney say the band, after the former Beatle hinted he would be interested in producing a new album by the three-piece.

Drummer Dan Haggis tells the Liverpool Echo, "It's ridiculously flattering to have a Beatle like Sir Paul even mentioning us in a sentence."

"We were laughing about it, like it would be an interesting collaboration. I think we'd be up for doing a demo and seeing what it was like."

Haggis added: "Imagine kicking back with Sir Paul? Like, 'Yeah, I think we need a bit more hi-hat there Paul'."

See Also

Monday 9 June 2008

Coldplay Give Track-By-Track Tour Of Viva La Vida, Explain Handclaps, Tack Pianos And The Number 42

There probably won't be a bigger rock album released this year than Coldplay's Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends, unless, of course, Bono and company decide to bless us with whatever they've been working on.

And even then, it's probably still going to be close. Because at this point, Coldplay might be the biggest rock act in the world. Like fellow giants U2 or Radiohead, they don't release albums so much as they create events, which is probably why they're celebrating Viva with a string of free shows in London, Barcelona and New York.

But Coldplay's legendary status isn't secure just yet. Their first two albums — 2000's Parachutes and 2002's A Rush of Blood to the Head — were critical and commercial smashes. But '05's X&Y was a disappointment (despite the fact it sold more than 10 million copies worldwide), a record that sounded like a band unsure of its place or its future. So, Viva la Vida is also a make-or-break effort, and Coldplay went for broke, jettisoning everything they'd previously known about making records and working with producer Brian Eno, who took them to Spanish cathedrals and watched bemusedly as they built their own pianos. If there was a goal in making the album, it was "breaking down what we've built up before and trying to build something different and hopefully better, or at least worse in a good way," frontman Chris Martin told MTV News recently. (Read a review of Viva la Vida here.)

What follows below is a track-by-track commentary on Viva by the band themselves. By turns serious, self-effacing, hilarious and full of tips on how to build a tack piano, it's the biggest rock band in the world at its most unguarded. Come to think of it, that's a pretty decent way of summing up their new album too.

"Life in Technicolor"

Guy Berryman (bass): We always had it in mind that we were going to start the record with that instrumental melody. And what's interesting about the song is that there's actually a full-song version with singing on it, and when we came to putting the album together, it didn't really work in the sequence of songs, but we felt strongly that it should start with this piece of music. So that's why we ended up using the first part of it, because that's how we always intended it to be.

Chris Martin (vocals/piano): You'll hear [the full-song version] at the end of our next record. The reason we wanted to start this record with an instrumental is to: A) do a good ringtone, which is what that song is, and B) not have to have too much singing everywhere. By your fourth album, people are sort of bored with the singer's voice, you know?

Will Champion (drums): Jon Hopkins [who is credited as a co-writer] was a friend of Brian Eno's, and he has this uncanny knack of being able to play any song. You can play him a bit of classical music once, and he'll be able to play it back to you perfectly, from memory. He's an incredibly talented guy, and Brian brought him in because I think he wanted to free up Chris from playing keyboards too much, so he could do other stuff.

Martin: What we've managed, cleverly, to do on this album is work with people who are much more talented than we are, and pass it off as our own.

"Cemeteries of London

Martin: [This song] features our first use of handclaps on an album. But not the only time on this album.

Champion: The Spanish flamenco clapping is incredible when you hear it done properly, although ours is a very crude and English version of it. It's like more of a golf clap — "Good par!" — or some seals.


Berryman: This was one of the first songs we worked on for the record. ... We were listening to a song called "Sing" by Blur, and I think we were in America somewhere —

Martin: Detroit.

Berryman: — in Detroit, and we were listening to that song in our dressing room. And we went on stage to do a sound check, and we were trying to write a song like that. And it's sort of evolved in various ways and has lots of different versions of itself.

Martin: That's often how we write, is we listen to something and we think it's incredible, and we feel stupid for not having anything as good as that, so we go and try to play it. And then, of course, because we don't know how to do that, we often come up with something new.


Martin: [Explaining the lyrics] Well, the whole record is — if it were a Notorious B.I.G. record, it'd be called Life and Death, it's just that ... maybe because we've had some people close to us who we've lost, but some miracles — we've got kids. So, life has been very extreme recently, and so both death and life pop up quite often. It's called 42 because it's my favorite number. And I think it's probably in Will's top three favorite numbers too.

Champion: Yeah, 17 and 11 and then 42.

"Lovers in Japan" and "Reign of Love"

Martin: Guy and Will made the piano you hear on there.

Jonny Buckland Wait, I did too!

Champion: We were in a studio in New York, this place called the Magic Shop, and it had this thing called a tack piano there, which sounds like an old honky-tonk piano, where you put little tacks in the hammers, so it sounds like more of a harpsichord almost. And so we wanted to use that kind of sound, but we didn't have a tack piano, so rather than sample it, we went and bought an old piano from the shop up the road from our studio, and we bought a load of tacks, and me and Guy and Jon spent a couple of hours pushing tacks into the piano hammers.

Martin: The only thing is, now we don't have anything to pin notes up with, so we have a lot of pieces of paper on the floor, and a beautiful piano.

"Yes" and "Chinese Sleep Chant"

Martin: Everyone was complaining to us about people not buying albums, so we thought maybe the reason people don't want to buy music is because there's not enough value for money. So we tried to add a bit of value [with the hidden track, "Chinese Sleep Chant"]. It's as simple as that. It comes from the supermarket.

Champion: One of the main things we tried to focus on with this record is changing vocal identities, because Chris has a very recognizable voice. Just the idea that you can totally change the sound of a song and the sound of a band, just by treating the vocals a different way. So in a song like "Yes," Chris is singing in a lot lower register, and then in "Chinese Sleep Chant," it's drowned in reverb, and he's trapped behind all these guitars.

"Viva la Vida"

Martin:I think everything we're trying to do at the moment is about not starting again so much as breaking down what we've built up before and trying to build something different and hopefully better, or worse in a good way. And this song is one of our favorites, because none of us are doing anything on it that we've ever done before. But we really enjoy playing it. The longer you go on as a band, the harder it is to surprise yourself.

"Violet Hill"

Berryman: It was one of the older songs we had been working on, and we had sort of moved it to one side from the list of songs that were going to be on the record. And there's this secret fifth member of the group, [manager] Phil Harvey, and he really championed it, as well as a few other people, so quite rightfully so, we dragged it back into the short list. And we had great fun making the video for that song in Sicily, on top of Mount Etna.

Martin: We made two videos for that song; the other one's on the Internet, which is our favorite video we've ever made. We just thought it was funny that in the run-up to elections, everybody dances. ... And we thought, "Wouldn't it be great to make a video of just politicians dancing?" So we did.

"Strawberry Swing"

Champion: Those are actually Brian [Eno's] handclaps at the beginning of that song, and —

Martin: If you listen very closely, you can hear him complaining about the tempo at the beginning of that song.

Champion: That's mostly what he does, complain about tempos.

Martin: [In a booming Brian Eno voice] "Oh, that's much too fast."

"Death and All His Friends" and "The Escapist"

Martin: Well, this is supposed to be the theme of the album, really. We're aware of all the bad stuff in life, you know — i.e. Death and all his friends — but that doesn't mean you should ever give in to it, you know? So we all sing that bit together really loudly, as kind of a message to ourselves: never giving up and never focusing on the bad stuff too much.

See Also

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Don Ross

Don Ross   
Artist: Don Ross

   New Age


Robot Monster   
 Robot Monster

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 12

Loaded, Leather, Moonroof   
 Loaded, Leather, Moonroof

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 10

Passion Session   
 Passion Session

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 11

Three Hands   
 Three Hands

   Year: 1993   
Tracks: 12

Canadian guitar player Don Ross has earned an impressive reputation for himself in the music reality, both for his guitar composition and his techniques. He has even been listed by some as one of the world's whirligig guitarists.

Sir Ronald Ross was born in 1960. He genetic his love of medicine from his mother and padre. When Ross was octonary years older, he began his self-taught study of music on the acoustic guitar. A twosome of years later on he was skilled sufficiency to try unlike fingerstyle techniques. In 1983, Ross graduated from York University. Three eld after, he began to severely work toward a professional vocation in music. In late 1988, Ross won the United States National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship. A short metre later on, he signed a contract with the Duke Street Records label. Over the next few geezerhood, Ross recorded trinity albums: Bearing Straight, Three Hands, and a self-titled release.

This Dragon Won't Sleep was the next full-length recording Ross completed. This clip he was running under the Sony Music label. The record album strike the market place in 1995. A twelvemonth after he fished a holiday album, Wintertide: Guitar Music for Christmas. That same year, Ross won the National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship once again. The number one get ahead was a major acquisition, but what made this second gear win even more than extraordinary was that Ross was the number one to ever deliver the goods the prestigious title twice. In 1997, Ross pleased his fans one time more with another record album, Loaded. Leather. Moonroof. It was followed in 1999 by Passion Session. Huron Street appeared on Narada 2 years later on.