Saturday 6 September 2008

Public Health Programs Responsible For Dip In Uninsured Rate Says APHA, Urges Strengthening Medicaid And Medicare

�Statement from Georges C. Benjamin, MD, FACP, Executive Director.

"While we receive news today from the U.S. Census Bureau that the act of uninsured Americans has declined, the picture is not all rosy. Yes, the issue of people without health insurance has decreased from 47 zillion in 2006 to 45.7 meg in 2007, but it's the government public health programs that are picking up the slack.

New census data show that enrollment in the Medicaid and Medicare programs increased by more than than 2 million spell employer-based reporting stayed the same. Thanks to these public health programs, tens of millions of Americans can admittance the tutelage they would otherwise be denied.

And now, apt the economic downturn, we especially exhort Congress to protect the Medicaid and Medicare programs, and we call for increasing Medicaid funding to the states to protect vulnerable Americans, which has also been shown to provide an economic stimulant."

American Public Health Association

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